
Top-performing methodologies in the MTEB

Woomyoung Park / CDO & Head of Research
Paper Review
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MTEB(Massive Text Embedding Benchmark)

What is MTEB?

A large-scale benchmark created to measure the performance of text embedding models in various embedding tasks
Number of datasets, languages, scores, and models as of October 10, 2023
Total Datasets: 129
Total Languages: 113
Total Scores: 14667
Total Models: 126
An overview of tasks and datasets in MTEB(https://arxiv.org/pdf/2210.07316)
References :

Top-performing methodologies within MTEB

1. FlagEmbedding

BAAI General Embedding
(1)   Datasets and Training Process
Pre-training dataset: Pile, Wikipedia, MS MARCO, etc.
Fine-tuning datasets: Wikipedia, CC-NET etc.
Dataset composition: Questions, positive answers, negative answers
(2) Training Details:
Trained using custom base model, RetroMAE
Batch size: 720
Optimizer: AdamW
Learning Rate (LR): 2e-5
Batch size: 32,784
Optimizer: AdamW
Learning Rate (LR): 1e-5
Temperature setting: 0.01
Feature: Utilizes "hard negative" learning method during fine-tuning
Ratio: 1 positive answer, 1 hard negative answer, 65,566 negative answers
(3) Characteristics
For retrieval tasks, a special instruction, "Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages:" was added to perform query encoding, and sentences were made relatively longer to mitigate the length difference between short queries and long documents
GTE argues that during fine-tuning, because there are hard negative sentences, the batch size need not be very large
Negative answers imply responses that are close to being irrelevant
Pre-training: 788 million response pairs
Response pairs generated in a manner similar to E5's CCPairs data creation method
Filtering methodology undisclosed
Fine-tuning: 3 million response pairs
Various datasets used including MS MARCO, NQ, TriviaQA, HotpotQA, Web Questions, SNLI, MNLI, FEVER, Quora, MEDI, BERRI, etc.
Transformer Encoder
MiniLM, bert-base, and bert-large used as backbone models.
Vanilla dual-encoder structure with mean pooling used on the output layer
“Improved” InfoNCE loss
Loss calculation:
Typically, the loss is calculated between query and document pairs.
GTE also adds comparisons between queries and between documents in the loss calculation.
Contrastive training with only in-batch negatives.
Due to the absence of hard negatives, used a very large batch size (16,384).
To compensate, limited the max length to 128 tokens.
Because hard negative responses are available (random negatives are used for data without hard negatives), a very large batch size isn't necessary. Thus, batch size is set to 128.
Maximum length was set to 512 tokens.
Simply fine-tuning the backbone model may result in worse performance, possibly due to limitations in data scale.
Performance comparison based on the number of training data samples, batch size, and number of model parameters.
Scaling analysis of various factors during contrastive pre-training and fine-tuning.
Model performance is measured by the average performance on MTEB.
Uses an approach very similar to E5 with the same model structure, the same backbone models, and similar training methodologies
There are slight differences in the method of generating datasets for pre-training
More data is used for fine-tuning and no teacher model is used

3. E5

EmbEddings from bidirEctional Encoder rEpresentations
Constructed a dataset called CCPairs”
Pairs are generated in forms such as (query, passage), (post, comment), (question, upvoted answer), (entity name+section title, passage), (title, abstract), (title, passage)
Initial Filtering: Heuristic-based filtering is applied to data from Reddit and Common Crawl, resulting in 130 million pairs.
Consistency-based filtering: A method where the model is first trained on initially collected data, then the training data is reintroduced to select top-k passages based on queries. Only data with actual mapped passages within k=2 are used. (The key is how much to train and iterate). 27 billion pairs
Neural networks tend to fit clean data first and then overfit to noises in data later on
Datasets : MS MARCO, NQ, NLI.
By treating contradictions as hard negatives, the model for NLI is being trained to distinguish between very similar but fundamentally different sentence pairs.
msmarco와 nq는 teacher 모델 (cross-encoder) 에서 추출. Teacher 모델로 SimLM 사용
Transformer Encoder
MiniLM, bert-base, and bert-large are used as backbone models.
Uses a Bi-encoder structure with average pooling for the output layer
Uses in-batch negatives. No explicit hard negatives
Query / passage encoder uses parameter sharing. Instead, prefixes are added (query: , passage: )
Uses InfoNCE loss with added distillation loss from the teacher model
Discussion points
Slightly better than InstructOR. State-of-the-art at the time
Can reference methods for collecting training data, filtering methods, negative data mapping methods, training techniques, objective functions, and other factors

4. InstructOR

The University of Hong Kong, U of Washington, Meta, AllenAI
Modeling only through fine-tuning
The authors directly constructed the MEDI dataset
A total of 330 different datasets
300 from Super-NaturalInstructions
30 types of Embedding data :Sentence Transformers(https://huggingface.co/datasets/sentence-transformers/embedding-training-data), KILT, MedMCQA
Uses existing embedding model (Sentence-T5) to perform positive / negative mapping
Adds instructions during tuning to enable a single model to operate on various tasks
Example-retrieval) Represent the Wikipedia question for re- trieving supporting documents:(query), Represent the Wikipedia document for retrieval:(document)
Single encoder
Uses GTR model as backbone: Initialized with T5 model, then pre-trained on web corpus, fine-tuned on information retrieval datasets
Obtains embedding vector by mean pooling the representation of the last hidden layer
Characterized by having only a fine-tuning stage
Adding instructions tends to improve performance
When trained on super-NI data, the performance gap between best and worst cases is much smaller. In other words, performance becomes more robust across different instructions
Performance improves as instructions are added more precisely (!)
Performance improves with model size (scaling laws)
Shows superior performance in unseen domains

Discussion points

GTR is a form of T5 pre-training + fine-tuning using contrastive loss on search data
A model that improves performance by collecting additional data for tuning and using prompts tailored to the purpose

Other methodologies worth referencing